Welcome to Goddy Clothing Online Store!
Sorry, the website is under construction right now. While we are working on it you can visit our Product Page and see what is available. If you are interested in anything listed over there, please contact me and my hooman (HandyNaty) will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hug your Dog & Enjoy Shopping!


About Us
I'm Jegs, the Whippet, and I am the head of barketing here at Doggy Clothing. My sister's Reema, the Italian Greyhound, is the Top Fashion Model in our family business. The third member of our family business is our human Natalia. She is a part-time Production Worker (she knits) and also she is a Purchasing/Inventory Clerk. We started our business simply because there is no suitable clothing for sighthounds in local pet stores; obviously, long legs, deep chest, and narrow waist of a sighthound require a special approach. That's why Natalia started knitting for us and looking for dog clothing suppliers with certain clothing patterns.
Hey, in our store, you can find clothing for not only the sighthounds but different kinds of breeds as well. If you live in Metro Vancouver, please, come over to try on an item you liked for your puppy.
Please Hug your Dog & Enjoy Your Shopping
Contact Us
Marine Dr @ Habgood St, White Rock, V4B 4W3, Canada doggyclothing.ca@gmail.com | Tel: 778-868-8654